At Starpharma, we recognise our important role as a biopharmaceutical company to improve patient outcomes. A key part of this is shaping the future of our industry to ensure it grows sustainably. We are committed to developing innovative products that will positively impact society.

To ensure that we remain forward-thinking, we continually strive to improve our sustainability practices. Our corporate governance principles and Code of Conduct provide a framework for ethical and responsible behaviour at all levels of our organisation, from the Board and management to all other employees.

Starpharma publishes an Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Report each year alongside its Annual Report 2023. Our ESG Report presents Starpharma's ESG framework and practices, covering four main areas: Environment, Our People, Products and Patient Health, and Governance.

It also details the sustainability-related risks and opportunities that are important to Starpharma and our stakeholders. Our focus is on the evolving, perceived and potential issues arising during pharmaceutical product research and development, registration, supply and commercialisation.


Starpharma has established formal policies and procedures, including an Environmental Policy and a Climate Change Position Statement, to operate responsibly and minimise the environmental impact of our work, including operations, research and development, and product marketing.

We have implemented measures to manage water consumption, waste and recycling, and greenhouse gas emissions. Our staff understand and comply with these initiatives. Although our global environmental risk exposure is small, Starpharma will continue to monitor, report and take action wherever necessary to mitigate our impact.

Our People

We take pride in our innovative, accountable, high-performing and ethical culture. Our set of Valued Behaviours promotes effective collaboration among all employees who know and appreciate how the broader community benefits from our work.

We strive to create a workplace that prioritises respect, equality, safety, health and wellbeing. We have implemented a comprehensive suite of policies and procedures to ensure these outcomes.

Great Place to Work® certification

Starpharma is delighted to achieve our re-certification of Great Place to Work® for 2023-24 in the small business category (30 to 99 employees). This recognition is a testament to our team’s positive workplace and company culture, and our celebration of inclusivity and diversity in our vibrant workplace.

Products and Patient Health

Starpharma is committed to providing consumers and patients with safe access to our products at all stages of the development process.

Our products undergo rigorous development and evaluation, including preclinical testing and clinical trials, and are labelled and marketed pursuant to high-quality standards and regulations specific to each geographic region. The Company conducts post-market surveillance and vigilance activities on all marketed products.

Although Starpharma has a relatively small number of suppliers, we prioritise responsible and ethical practices across our operations. We expect our suppliers to uphold high ethical standards and source from sustainable vendors.


Starpharma is committed to the principles underpinning best practices in corporate governance, emphasising general corporate compliance and ethical business, financial and social practices. Our robust corporate governance policies serve as a guide for our Company's actions and decision-making.

This website is intended for people seeking information about Starpharma for investment and business purposes. This website contains information about products that may not be available, or approved, in all countries, or may be available under different trademarks, or for different indications. Individuals seeking information about a Starpharma product should visit the relevant product website in their country of residence or consult a healthcare provider. Nothing contained on this site should be considered a solicitation, promotion, or advertisement for any product, including those under development. Any information on this site is not intended to provide medical advice nor should be used as a substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other healthcare provider.